Vol – 2 No – 3 March 2024

The Official Online Monthly Newsletter of the Office of the President

Vol 2 – No-3 March 2024

KLD employees, students unite in Bayanihan Day 3

In an effort to continuously develop a culture of community cohesion and resilience within the campus, employees as well as students of the Kolehiyo ng Lungsod ng Dasmariñas (KLD) united once again during the Bayanihan Day 3 held on March 21, 2024.

KLD faculty members, non-teaching staff, and students channelled their support by conducting a clean-up drive in different facilities in the institution. Students volunteered to clean the classrooms in all college buildings. They brought mops, basins, detergents, rags, and other cleaning tools and materials. They also assisted the Procurement, Property, and Supply Unit for the inventory of items in the classroom. As they carried out these tasks, they were guided by the utility personnel and monitored by the assigned faculty members.

The non-teaching personnel and faculty members have also shown their full support in this activity as they helped each other in cleaning the corners of their respective offices.

This collective effort among KLD employees and students not only aims at ensuring cleanliness and safety within the premises of the College, but also keeps the spirit of Bayanihan alive and thriving in the school community.

KLD community joins the celebration of National Women’s Month

Highlighting the impactful contributions and triumphs of women in different fields and industries, KLD held the National Women’s Month Celebration (NWMC) on March 15, 2024. Donning purple shirts, administrators, faculty members, non-teaching staff, and students personified this year’s theme, “Lipunang Patas sa Bagong Pilipinas; Kakayanan ng Kababaihan, Patutunanyan.”

KLD joined the nation’s journey in achieving SDG 5, which underscores gender equality and inclusivity. In this endeavor, the institution remains committed in championing women empowerment in the community through the principles of inclusion. The KLD Center for Gender and Development prepared a series of NWMC activities, promoting an inclusive space for all women and rejoicing in their incredible strength, resilience, and achievements.

This celebration brought a safe and empowering opportunity to rally alongside KLD women leaders, educators, staff, and students in combating gender-based violence, sexual harassment, and other gender issues that women still face, leading to the creation of a gender-responsive and inclusive academic institution.

KLD releases environmental policies and guidelines

KLD has recently released policies and guidelines for solid waste management and energy conservation to uphold the principles of Zero Waste and energy consumption toward a sustainable campus.

To reduce and control waste production within the campus, the institution issued a total plastic ban. This policy mandates all KLD employees and students to refrain from using styrofoam, plastic bags and non-biodegradable food packing materials. It also bans the throwing of plastics into the garbage bins and suggests all Regals to adhere to proper waste segregation practices.

In addition, KLD released new energy conservation policies which promote practices on the reduction of energy wastage and loss and greenhouse gas emissions. To lower energy consumption, guidelines on how to utilize the college facilities and equipment properly are stipulated in this policy and have been disseminated to all employees and students.

These policies and guidelines are all hinged on the institution’s commitment to environmental sustainability. As a stakeholder with environmental obligations under the law, the KLD strives to monitor its continuous improvement and performance on the implementation of eco-friendly practices and activities within and outside the campus.

OVPAA updates grade criteria for Latin Honors and Honors List

The Office of the Vice President for Academic Affairs (OVPAA) released the grade criteria for Latin Honors and Honors List, which shall be strictly considered in honoring students’ academic achievements.

To be qualified for the Latin Honors and Honors List, a student must meet the following academic requirements. He or she shall be qualified for the President’s List, provided that (1) all the grades in all subjects, except P.E. and NSTP, shall be included in the computation, with a general weighted average grade ranging from 1.00 to 1.25; (2) all grades in all subjects shall not be lower than 1.50. Graduating students who meet all these criteria shall be granted Summa cum laude. 

If a student is applying for the College Honors List, he or she shall obtain a general weighted average of 1.26 or higher with no grade in all subjects, excluding P.E. and NSTP, not lower than 1.75. Same grade criteria shall be used for Magna cum laude.

For the Dean’s List, a student shall be qualified if the computed general weighted average is 1.75 or higher with no grade in all subjects, except P.E. and NSTP, not lower than 2.00. These grade requirements shall also be met for Cum laude.

Lastly, students whose general weighted average is 1.75 or higher with no grade in all subjects, except P.E. and NSTP, not lower than 2.25 shall be granted the Academic Distinction Award.

Other than those academic requirements, the following considerations shall also be observed in the selection of candidates for the Latin Honors and Honors List: (1) he or she must be a regular student with full course load; (2) he or she must have no major offenses or violations and has not committed more than three minor offenses; and (3) he or she has completed the required number of residency.

The new grade criteria have been approved by the KLD President Dr. Juanito Cabanias and shall be used starting Academic Year 2023-2024.

College Enrollment tops 3000 at KLD

KLD enrollment reached 3,759 during the second term of the Academic Year 2023-2024 based on the data reported by the The Registrar as of April 3, 2024.

The data include enrollment statistics based on the year levels and degree programs.

Enrollment Statistics Second Term, AY 2023-2024           1st Year  2nd Year  3rd Year  Total
Bachelor of Science in Midwifery (BSM)7373
Bachelor of Science in Nursing (BSN)379379
Bachelor of Science in Chemical Engineering (BSCE)446446
Bachelor of Science in Psychology (BSPsych)6585525351745
Bachelor of Science in Information Systems (BSIS)5923132111116

During the second term, KLD welcomed a total of 2,148 first year students enrolled which is the highest number among all year levels. It can also be gleaned from the table that among all degree programs, BSPsych has the most number of students enrolled, with a total of 1,745. This is followed by BSIS, BSCE, BSN, and BSM, respectively.

As the enrollment remains strong this year, it is expected that the number shall increase by first term of the Academic Year 2024-2025.

KLD launches the online admission policies and guidelines

The KLD Admissions and Testing Unit (ATU) has recently streamlined its admission process by adopting modern solutions to the influx of students applying for the college admission test. To provide applicants who opt to study at KLD with better admission service experience, ATU launched

the online admission policies and guidelines for the future Regals.

To secure an entrance examination appointment, applicants need to fill out an application form which can be accessed online via the official school website (www.kld.edu.ph).  This online application process requires applicants to submit a picture of the following requirements in JPEG format: Form 138, Form 137, Voter’s ID, and Moral Certificate. They shall also be asked to select the date and time for the entrance examination. Once done filling out the online application form, applicants must save and download the PDF copy of the form and the entrance examination schedule stub.

During the entrance examination date, applicants shall proceed to the KLD Audio-Visual Room with their examination schedule stub which shall be presented to the examination proctor for checking. The admission results shall be sent through the applicant’s registered email. If the applicant is qualified, he or she shall receive an admission confirmation along with the interview schedule and enrollment form.

 This is the first time for KLD to integrate the online application system into its admission management. Through this platform, it would be easier for ATU to collect and manage academic information from the applicants. At the same time, applicants can lessen the hassle of manual submission, allowing them to move through the admission process smoothly.

KLD launches the online admission policies and guidelines

The KLD Admissions and Testing Unit (ATU) has recently streamlined its admission process by adopting modern solutions to the influx of students applying for the college admission test. To provide applicants who opt to study at KLD with better admission service experience, ATU launched

the online admission policies and guidelines for the future Regals.

To secure an entrance examination appointment, applicants need to fill out an application form which can be accessed online via the official school website (www.kld.edu.ph).  This online application process requires applicants to submit a picture of the following requirements in JPEG format: Form 138, Form 137, Voter’s ID, and Moral Certificate. They shall also be asked to select the date and time for the entrance examination. Once done filling out the online application form, applicants must save and download the PDF copy of the form and the entrance examination schedule stub.

During the entrance examination date, applicants shall proceed to the KLD Audio-Visual Room with their examination schedule stub which shall be presented to the examination proctor for checking. The admission results shall be sent through the applicant’s registered email. If the applicant is qualified, he or she shall receive an admission confirmation along with the interview schedule and enrollment form.

 This is the first time for KLD to integrate the online application system into its admission management. Through this platform, it would be easier for ATU to collect and manage academic information from the applicants. At the same time, applicants can lessen the hassle of manual submission, allowing them to move through the admission process smoothly.

Office of the Month

KLD takes pride in recognizing the most outstanding office this month of March – the Administrative Affairs Domain!

This office is headed by Assoc. Prof. Regielene Gonzales, OIC VP for Administrative Affairs and her two able Directors: Asst. Prof. Catherine Oliquino and Engr. Evander Llaneta. Various policies and guidelines have been implemented this month to ensure the safety and improvement of KLD buildings, facilities, and equipment. Among these include the guidelines on the conduct of KLD activities, prohibition of eating inside the classroom, guidelines for solid waste management, KLD Vehicle Sticker for Fiscal Year 2024, parking policy, energy conservation policy, and the restriction on accessing CB1-roof deck.

The duties and functions of the Administrative Affairs Domain are vital to keep the institution safe and clean. KLD grants this award to recognize the hard work and commitment of the office for continuously supporting the mission of the College.

Employees of the Month

Congratulations to Engr. Evander Llaneta, Inst. Jaycee Toledo, and Asst. Prof. Catherine Oliquino! You have been selected as KLD’s Employees of the Month.

Engr. Llaneta is the Director for Physical Plant and Facilities Management Department. He administers and supervises repair and maintenance work of the different facilities in the College. Some of the policies that he implemented this month of March are the energy conservation policy and the restriction on accessing CB1-roof deck, among others.

Inst. Toledo is the Head of Center for Emergency Management, Security, and Safety. He plans, manages, and supervises emergency and security programs and activities to make sure that the safety of all KLD employees, visitors, and students is the top priority. Recently, this center mandated the establishment of a permanent designated area for all employees and students and the issuance of KLD vehicle sticker to eligible applicants.

Asst. Prof. Oliquino is the Director for Administrative and General Services Department. Some of policies and guidelines mandated by this office this month include the appropriate conduct of KLD activities and the prohibition of eating inside the classroom.

KLD truly appreciates their passion and significant contributions to the efficiency of processes and services in the administrative division.