Message from the President
Dr. Juanito O. Cabanias, LPT
I have always been dreaming of and praying for that one day, I shall be able to serve the government sector where I could humbly, generously and happily continue to share my gifts in education and leadership, quality assurance and assessment, accreditation and certifications, strategic management and good governance, planning and research, marketing and branding, linkages and internationalizations, resource generation and community service, and eventually infect the community with a deeper sense of commitment, passion, transparency, and integrity guided by our personal faith and relationship with the Creator.
Lo and behold, after 22 years of serving the private sector, God has answered my prayers. I am now called upon to serve the Kolehiyo ng Lungsod ng Dasmariñas. I am deeply humbled and extremely grateful for the opportunity given to me by Cong. Pidi and Mayor Jenny Barzaga and the entire KLD family.
I firmly believe in the Vision, Mission, Core Values, and Goals of KLD. I strongly support the advocacy which KLD stands and fights for. I am honored to be part of the Team which shall unlock the Key to Level up the Dynamism and strengthen its commitment to provide quality education to the underprivileged and financially struggling Dasmarineños who shall then contribute strategically to the knowledge-based economy of the City of Dasmariñas, and respond proactively to the needs and demands of the community either in the local, national or international sector.

I am ready to be the instrument and agent of change and transformation, especially to the KLD family, as they commit themselves into building the foundation for the Dasmarineños.
We all have one Vision, that the Kolehiyo ng Lungsod ng Dasmariñas can better serve our students, faculty, staff, community, city, province and the country. With all level of optimism, and together, we shall become one of the province’s truly pronounced higher education institutions.
Thank you very much and more power to us all!
About the President

Prof. Dr. Juanito O. Cabanias, a Cum Laude graduate of De La Salle University-Dasmariñas, obtained his Doctor of Philosophy in Literature from the Philippine Normal University on June 21, 2006. He is the first PhD in Literature graduate of PNU. Prof. Dr. Cabanias, former Full Professor 2 of Literary Theory and Criticism, The Teaching of Literature and Literary Masterpieces of the College of Liberal Arts and Communication Graduate Studies and Executive Communication of the College of Business Administration and Accountancy Graduate Studies of De La Salle University-Dasmarinas, and former Full Professor 8 of the College of Humanities and Social Sciences of De La Salle Medical and Health Sciences Institute was awarded Most Outstanding Faculty Member of Languages and Literature Department of the College of Liberal Arts in 2004 and Most Outstanding Faculty Member of the College of Business Administration and Accountancy Graduate Studies of DLSU-D in 2017, 2018 and 2019. He also received the Young Patriot Achiever Award in 2006 given by the DLSU Alumni Association Dasmariñas Chapter.
On November of 2003, he was appointed as the first director of the DLSU-D Language Learning Center. He also served as the director of the Student Admissions Office of DLSU-D from 2004 to 2007. As a former director of the Student Admissions Office, he was responsible for the marketing of the University’s academic and scholarship programs here in the Philippines and abroad- Qatar, Bahrain, Dubai, Abu Dhabi, Riyadh, and Jeddah to promote DLSU-D, the first in the history of La Salle Philippines. Also, he became the director for academic services and chair for admissions and scholarships of De La Salle Medical and Health Sciences Institute in 2008 up to 2012. On June 2012, he was appointed as the director for General Education and concurrent coordinator for scholarships of De La Salle Medical and Health Sciences Institute.
Dr. Cabanias has written and published a number of researches: The Concept of Family in Selected Novels from the Emerging Countries: A Sociological Analysis, The Effectiveness of Modular Instruction in the Teaching of Philippine Literature, Paz Marquez Benitez’ “Dead Stars” as Reflective of the Filipino Patriarchal Values, The Scarlet Sow in a Stylish Sty in Margaret Atwood’s The Handmaid’s Tale and Luha ng Buwaya: Isang Pos-kolonyal at Marksismong Pagbasa . He also finished the following researches: The Schools and Courses Preferred by the High School Graduating Students from the Different Schools in the CALABARZON and METRO MANILA AREAS, SY 2008-2009 and Their Implications to the Marketing Program of De La Salle Medical and Health Sciences Institutes equally presented in the CHED-CRC Regional Conference entitled “People-Public-Private Initiatives at De La Salle University-Dasmariñas in 2009. The Scholarship Program and Development of De La Salle Health Sciences Institute in Response to the De La Salle Philippines’ 20% Full Scholarship Thrust by 2011 presented during the CHED Region IV-A CALABARZON Research Conference on the topic “Leveling Up Research: The Nexus of Accreditation and during the 2nd International Symposium on Lasallian Research held at St. Mary’s University of Minnesota, USAon October 27-29, 2013. Outcomes-Based Education: A Welcome Development in the College of Humanities and Sciences of De La Salle Medical and Health Sciences Institute presented during the 3rd Symposium on Lasallian Research held at St. Mary’s University of Minnesota, USA on September 28-30, 2014. On September 27-29, 2015, his paper titled The De La Salle Medical and Health Sciences Institute Special Health Sciences Senior High School featuring PUSH: Public Understanding of Science and Health was also presented at St. Mary’s University in Minnesota, USA during the 4th International Symposium on Lasallian Research and in 2017 during the 6th International Symposium on Lasallian Research, he presented his research titled In the Footsteps of De La Salle: On Becoming a Lasallian, which he also got the chance to present in Manama, Bahrain on January 25-26, 2017 and Berlin, Germany on July 17-19, 2017 during the International Conference on New Horizons in Education. Included in his greatest blessings as a researcher is the presentation of his research paper titled Evaluation of the Conduct of Executive Communication Course for the Graduate School of Business Students of the College of Business Administration and Accountancy of De La Salle University-Dasmarinas, Cavite, Philippines in Langkawi, Malaysia on August 15-17, 2017 during the 2017 International Conference on Art, Business, Education and Social Sciences (ABESS 2017) and in Paris, France on July 18-20, 2018 during the International Conference on New Horizons in Education. He was also appointed as a reviewer for the Volume 3 Issue 1 of the MALTESAS MULTI-DISCIPLINARY JOURNAL PUBLICATION in 2018. In 2019, he was chosen as a reviewer of the Athens Journal of Humanities and Arts. On March 15, 2019, Prof. Dr. Cabanias presented his research as a recipient of the Dr. Carlo R.H. Magno Professorial Chair in Business with his paper titled Communication within the Workplace in the Academics of De La Salle Medical and Health Sciences Institute: Basis for Proposed Communication Strategic Model. Same paper was also presented at Harvard Faculty Club, Harvard University in Boston, MA, USA during the 2019 WEI International Conference on July 29, 2019. In 2020, he finished and published another research paper titled Why Does Choice Matter? The School and Course Preference of Select High School Students, SY 2007-2008 and SY 2018-2019 presented during The 7th Asian Conference on Education & International Development (ACEID2021) Online from Tokyo, Japan | March 22-24, 2021. In 2013, he also published a book titled SPECTRUM: Readings in World Literature.
He founded and became the first president of the Cavite Association of Schools’ Student Admissions Officers (CASSAO), former chairman of the board of advisers of the Cavite Intersecondary Schools Athletic Association (CISAA) and the former vice president of the Speech Communication Association of Cavite (SPEAC). He has been a LIFE MEMBER of the Philippine Association for Graduate Education (PAGE) since March 8, 2019.
Prof. Dr. Cabanias represented DLSMHSI in the Lasallian Higher Education Leadership Program sponsored by the International Association of Lasallian Universities in Rome, Italy on June 02-17, 2012. He was appointed as the first dean of the College of Humanities and Sciences of De La Salle Health Sciences Institute in 2014. In 2015, he was selected and appointed as the first non- Medical Doctor Vice Chancellor for Academics of DLSMHSI, which he held until October 2022. Recently, he was promoted and chosen by the ASEAN University Network-Quality Assurance as one of its Lead Assessors in the South East Asian Region-the first Lead Assessor from the Colleges and Universities in the Province of Cavite.
After 22 years of service in the private sector, particularly in De La Salle, on May 18, 2023, Prof. Dr. Cabanias was appointed as the first President of the Kolehiyo ng Lungsod ng Dasmariñas-his very first opportunity to serve in the government sector where he finds the truest meaning of service, commitment and fulfillment.
Memorandum Circulars / Executive Orders
Memorandum No. | Subject / Recipient | Action |
Executive Order No.001 s. 2023 | The KLD Community | Download Link |
Executive Order No.002 s. 2023 | The KLD Community | Download Link |
Executive Order No.003 s. 2024 | The KLD Community | Download Link |
Executive Order No.004 s. 2024 | The KLD Community | Download Link |
Executive Order No.005 s. 2024 | The KLD Community | Download Link |
Executive Order No.006 s. 2024 | The KLD Community | Download Link |
Executive Order No.007 s. 2024 | The KLD Community | Download Link |
Executive Order No.008 s. 2024 | The KLD Community | Download Link |
Executive Order No.010 s. 2024 | The KLD Community | Download Link |
Strategic Directions
KLD 2033 and beyond
Key to Level Up the Dynamism
Roadmap to Competitive and Sustainable Kolehiyo ng Lungsod ng Dasmariñas
A truly great educational institution is determined through its academic excellence, as measured by the quality of the research, scholarship and graduates it produces along with their shared effect on the grander society. To be an exemplary academic institution, the fundamental culture must demand excellence in all endeavors. That excellence can only be achieved when all members of the KLD – administration, faculty, staff, parents, local government unit, benefactors, students, and alumni – are committed to the highest standards of performance.
The KLD is committed to:
STRATEGY 1. Complying with the statutory, regulatory and vertical and horizontal typology requirements set by the Commission on Higher Education and other accrediting bodies for state colleges, ASEAN University Network-Quality Assurance Associate Membership and Program and Institutional Level Assessments and ISO Certification
- We will become a UNIVERSITY
- We will become a member of the Association of Local Colleges and Universities (ALCU) in the country.
- We will be accredited by the Accrediting Agency of Chartered Colleges and Universities in the Philippines (AACUP).
- We will become a member of the ASEAN University Network-Quality Assurance (AUN-QA).
- We will undergo the Programme and Institutional Level Assessments of AUN-QA specifically the BS Information Systems, BS Midwifery, BS Psychology, BS Civil Engineering, and BS Nursing.
- We will become an ISO Certified school.
- We will apply for CHED Centers of Development and Excellence in Midwifery, Nursing, Information Systems, Psychology, and Engineering programs.
- We will partner with the Pan-Asia Simulation Society in Healthcare (PASSH)..
STRATEGY 2. Achieving Above the National Passing Rate and 100% Passing Rate in the Licensure Examinations beginning SY 2023-2024.
- We will become one of the top performing schools in the City, Province and the Region in the licensure examinations for Midwifery, Psychology, Nursing 3. and Civil Engineering.
- We will implement competency appraisal of students in all levels.
- We will employ remediation program for students-at-risks.
- We will ensure tracking of unsuccessful examinees.
- We will conduct in-house review program and supplemental online review program for our students scheduled to take the licensure examinations.
- We will implement coaching and mentoring.
- We will train our faculty in simulation-based education program.
STRATEGY 3. Achieving Continuous Quality Improvement and compliance with the policies, standards and guidelines set by the College
- We will consistently submit and comply with the Customer Feedback Form; Document Review Checklist; Conduct of Performance Evaluation for Academic Administrators, Academic Teaching Faculty, Academic Service Faculty and Staff.
- We will provide orientation and training on the practice of 6S in collaboration with the Center for Quality Assurance, Accreditation and Certification (CQAAC).
- We will integrate environmental awareness and protection related-programs and initiatives in the different teaching-learning experiences across programs and disciplines.
- We will ensure continuous integration of the Character Education and Citizenship, Information Literacy Program, Environment Protection and Sustainability, and Gender Awareness, Sensitivity, Responsiveness, and Accountability to the curricula of all Institutes across programs.
- We will ensure 100% vertical alignment of post-graduate programs and trainings of Academic Teaching Faculty, Academic Service Faculty and eventually the Non-Teaching Personnel should they pursue further studies.
STRATEGY 4. Providing relevant academic programs, admitting quality students, creating space for educational technology integration, using educational technology to optimize student learning, and producing graduates with highest standards of performance
1. We will offer creative pre-med and other undergraduate programs leading to Doctor of Medicine and graduate programs.
Undergraduate Programs
- BS Radiologic Technology
- BS Physical Therapy
- BS Occupational Therapy
- BS Speech and Language Pathology
- BS Medical Laboratory Science
- BS Pharmacy
- AB Political Science
- BS Clinical Psychology
- BS in Social Work with concentrations in (1)Clinical Practice and (2)Health Management
- BS Entrepreneurial Management,
- AB English Language Studies
- BS Life and Health Sciences with specialization in (1) Human Biology and (2) Medical Biology
- BS Accountancy
- BS Clinical Nutrition
- BS Architecture
- BS Industrial Engineering
- BS Mechanical Engineering
- BS Disaster Emergency Management
- BS Manufacturing and Mechatronics Engineering
- BS Entertainment and Multimedia Computing with specializatiion in Digital Animation-Technology
- BS Cybersecurity
- BS Computer Science with specialization in (1) Artificial Intelligence and (2) Robotics
- BS Data Science
- BS Interdisicplinary Studies with STEM Concentration
- BS Clinical Psychology
- AB Psychology
Masters Degrees
- MS Nursing
- MS Gerontology
- MS Health Management
- MS Biology
- MS Clinical Psychology
- MS STEM Teaching
- Master of Public Health
- Masters in Business Administration
Doctorate Degrees
- PhD by Research
- PhD in Nursing
- Doctor of Public Health
Professional Programs
- Doctor of Medicine
- Bachelor of Laws
- We will become one of the Top 3 Higher Education Institutions in the City of Dasmarinas in 2033 and one of the Top 7 Higher Education Institutions in the Province of Cavite in 2040.
- We will achieve outstanding library print and online collections.
- We will strengthen the Records Management System of the KLD to better protect and preserve important documents of students/graduates and employees.
- We will provide and allot additional spaces in the Learning Resource Center devoted for technology integration and utilization.
- We will have Learning Commons in the Learning Resource Center.
- We will hold recognition ceremonies for the students who have excelled in their respective fields and those who have won in different competitions together with the awarding of certificates/plaques of recognition to Institute honor’s list and College honor’s list.
- We will intensify student development programs such as the leadership formation program, sports and development, research, and participation in different national and international competitions.
- We will strengthen the institutional student organizations and the Student Council in the College and establish strong partnership between and amongst the officers and members of the said organizations.
- We will intensify the academic programming, advising and career counseling for our students.
- We will recognize Outstanding Faculty and Non-Teaching Staff in Students’ and Performance Evaluation, Research Presentation, Awards and Recognitions, International Speaking Engagements, Officers of National and International Professional Organizations, Perfect Attendance, etc.
STRATEGY 5. Establishing National and International Partnerships and Collaborations
1. We will strengthen the national and international affiliations for the research and teaching engagements of academic staff and internship and externship programs of the students across levels.
2. We will develop programs that would strengthen the relationships between the KLD and Pagamutan ng Dasmarinas, CHOs and affiliating centers particularly in the area of student internship, clinical preceptorship, research in tropical medicine and infectious diseases.
STRATEGY 6. Achieving success in sponsored-research in collaboration with the different research agencies and higher education institutions locally and internationally
- We will increase by 25% the number of Academic Teaching Faculty, Academic Service Faculty and Non-Teaching Staff doing research, publishing research, presenting papers and enrolling in post-graduate programs and trainings and other certificate programs.
- We will achieve publications and citations as well as patents and licenses in different areas of specializations.
- We will develop the Clinical Research Department and Academic Research Department to draw the line between clinical sponsored researches and academic researches across the KLD.
- We will launch the KLD online journal.
- We will launch the President’s Award for Research Productivity.
- We will strengthen the operations of the Institutional Ethics Board.
- We will strengthen the operations of the Center for Intellectual Property and Technology Licensing.
STRATEGY 7. Maintaining and Sustaining the Creative Programs of KLD in Response to the Needs and Demands of the City, Province, Region, and the Country
- We will establish the following Centers/Institutes: Institute of Student Affairs, Character Education and Citizenship which shall handle all activities related to Student Affairs, Welfare and Development, NSTP, Sports and Wellness Development, Guidance and Career Development, Student Discipline, Admissions and Testing, Alumni Affairs and Placement, Student Activities and Development, Center for Gender and Development, Dasmarinas Heritage and Cultural Affairs, Center for Quality Assurance, Accreditation and Certification, Center for Philanthropic and Resource Generation, Center for Public Affairs and Strategic Communications, Center for New Generation Teaching and Learning, Center for Curriculum and Pedagogical Innovations, Linkages and External Affairs, Knowledge Management, Institute of Engineering, Institute of Nursing, Institute of Midwifery, Institute of Human Potential and Development, Institute of Applied Sciences, Institute of Information and Computing Sciences, Institute of Allied Health, Institute of Medicine, Institute of Law, and among others.
- We will create the following committees: Personnel Service and Human Resource Management Committee, Personnel Evaluation and Selection Committee, Academic Administrators Selection Committee, Materials and Equipment Acquisition Committee, Talent Acquisition Committee, Employees’ Training and Development Committee, Operations Manual Committee, Culture of Research Committee, Academic Programs Committee, and among others.
- We will create the Inventory Management System for proper monitoring of all KLD Assets and Supplies.
- We will exhibit stewardship and creativity in the management of all available resources.
- We will develop, enhance and sustain the branding and positioning strategies of KLD.
- We will need to receive more and spend less meaning we need potential sponsors for scholarships, donations for infrastructure developments, funding for faculty and staff development programs including research productivity and engagements, and investment for student success programs. We continuously believe that while reaching our goal is not just a matter of resources, everything will be possible with additional resources – along with continuously enhanced efficiency and effectiveness, greater productivity, and an ongoing reallocation of funds based on current priorities.
STRATEGY 8. Strengthening Transformative and Sustainable Social Action Programs
- We will support the public schools and other non-government organizations in the areas of literacy programs and teacher training programs.
- We will conduct orientation and training on service-learning programs, community extension/service and community outreach programs to all concerned.
- We will conduct situational analysis/community diagnosis to obtain substantial information about the kind of sustainable economic development program needed by the potential adopted communities.
- We will utilize the principles and concepts of participatory action research as a strategy to ensure success of program initiated in the adopted communities.
- We will have to continuously make significant contributions in healthcare delivery services and our growing support for the public health system. We need to be a source of great strength through a well-intentioned partnership with the PAGAMUTAN NG DASMARINAS.
STRATEGY 9. Strengthening the Alumni Relations and Placement Programs of KLD
- We will hold the 1st Alumni Homecoming for all former students which would center on the theme “giving back”, paying it forward”, “seeing success in the light of humble beginnings”, “nurturing the foundation built”, “making a difference”, and “fulfilling the mission”.
- We will establish an Alumni Endowment Fund for KLD scholars.
- We will establish the alumni data base and online portal of the College.
- We will strengthen our partnership with the City Government’s Public Employment Service Office (PESO) for the deployment of our students for their OJT/internship program and employment after graduation.
Dr. J.O.Cabanias/Copyright 2023
The President’s Wall