Institutional Achievements

Institutional Achievements

Awards DescriptionDateAuthor
Top 10 Performing Midwifery School in the Philippines87.57% (36 passers out of 42 takers)November Midwifery Licensure Examination 2023Institute of Midwifery
Best paper Award at ICSED 2023International Conference on Sustainability Education Development (ICSED) held at the University of Malaya in Kuala Lumpur, MalaysiaOctober 25-26, 2023.Office of the Vice President for Research and Linkages
Best paper and Concentrix Tech for Good Award at ICODEL 2023 International Conference on Open and Distance eLearning (ICODeL) UPOU, Los Baños LagunaAugust 22-23, 2023Office of the Vice President for Research and Linkages
Best Paper Award at DISSCON 2023The DLSU International Social Sciences Conference 2023 at Boracay, PhilippinesAugust 12, 2023Office of the Vice President for Research and Linkages
Member of NRCP under DOSTIncluded as Associate Members to the National Council of the Philippines (NRCP) under DOSTOctober 25, 2023Assoc. Prof. Christoper A. Malay, MSc. (Biology) and Assoc. Prof. Hernan G. Pantolla, MSc. (statistics)