Center for Public Affairs and Strategic Communications

Office of the President > Center for Public Affairs and Strategic Communications

Center for Public Affairs and Strategic Communications
Director Jerbert M. Abargos
Center for Public Affairs and Strategic Communications

The position holder is primarily responsible for the public relations aspect within and outside the KLD.  He/she builds and sustains the KLD’s reputation for quality, reliability, and customer satisfaction.  He/she writes and delivers press releases and handles all communication sent within and outside the KLD.

Reports to                       :         President

Coordinates with          :         Heads of all Domains and Units and academic and non-academic personnel

Appointment                    :         The Director for Center for Public Affairs and Strategic Communications is appointed by the President.

Primary Duties and Responsibilities

The position holder shall undertake the following functions:

  1. Performs job functions consistent with the KLD’s Vision and Mission, Core Values, and Goals;
  2. Creates and launches press releases;
  3. Prepares and records minutes of meeting conducted by the KLD President;
  4. Determines communications strategy and executes programs to deliver communications objectives throughout the KLD;
  5. Develops the distinct brand and image of the KLD and encourages all stakeholders to live out, support and promote such brand and image.
  6. Develops internal and external publications such as newsletters particularly The P-Wall (The President’s Wall), the official online newsletter of the Office of the President, and other collaterals, releases email announcements, planned publications, BOT Reports, and President’s Courier, online, intranet, video, special projects.
  7. Organizes The President Connects, a bi-monthly Town Hall set up to discuss important issues and concerns and update the members of the community about the plans, programs, projects, and accomplishments of the KLD.
  8. Monitors the implementation of the Communication Policies, Standards and Guidelines of the KLD and ensures alignment of all activities and the communication portfolios with the Strategic Directions of the KLD.
  9. Performs such other assigned functions that are analogous, germane or related to and /or implied from the preceding enumeration of duties and responsibilities.